I had an epiphany a few months ago. Always, I've known that a definite relationship exists between the marriage of a man and woman and the bond between Christ and the Church. It was clear that marriage was to be modeled after God's love for His children and that the family was meant to glorify God. The fact that scripture could teach me how to be married was undeniable. However, it took me about 26 years (3 of which I was actually married) to understand that marriage could teach me how to follow Jesus. Below is a visual I created to demonstrate my light bulb moment. I hope that it is edifying to you as well.
The first step is getting engaged.
The first step is “getting saved.” Just like a marriage proposal, this experience can be shared with others or kept quietly between two, it can be an exciting and joyful occasion or a somber and simply important moment, and it can be decided quickly or thought over meticulously. The details differ because people are different. The bottom line is you DECIDE to do it. There is a point of becoming.
Then, there’s a wedding ceremony.
The second step is profession and/or baptism. Just like the wedding ceremony, it is a time to announce your decision, share your joy with others, celebrate the change in your life, and create accountability between you and those witnessing. It says, I’m a believer, so you can expect me to behave like a believer, much like a wedding says, I’m married, so you can expect me to behave as a married person.
After that, there’s the rest of your life, committing to the one you love.
The third step is the most important. It’s the commitment. Through the wonderful, the not so great, and the terrible, you decide each day to follow Christ, just like a person in a marriage must make decisions and follow through on them in order to be a good spouse.
The years and years won’t always be as magical as the engagement or the wedding day, but they are what will define your marriage. Likewise, the years and years of living a life for Christ will define you as a follower.
Ephesians 5:31-33 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.